
Who needs a permit?

    1. Anyone building a home/shed that will not be on city sewer.
    1. Anyone that needs to replace/add to their existing system.

How to get a permit?

Complete the proper permit paperwork and submit form with fee of $125.00. The following is basic information needed for the permit:

    1. Name and Mailing Address of Homeowner
    1. Contractor Name and Address (homeowners are allowed to install their own systems)
    1. Address to the building site (if it differs from the homeowner)
    1. Specific house/shed information (# of bedrooms, # of bathrooms, basement plumbing, washer, city or well water etc)
    1. Any soil reports that were completed on the property.
    1. Type of septic system the homeowner desires.

Types of Septic Systems:

Septic Tank with subsurface seepage field.

        1. Gravel trench
        1. Gravel-less trench
        1. Chamber

Surface Discharging Systems – effluent reduction and chlorination are required on most units.

      1. Septic Tank with Sandfilter
      1. Aeration unit (aerobic treatment unit)